This week’s assignment was to generate a professional file based on user input, using Node.js and inquirer. The file had to include the following:
GIVEN a command-line application that accepts user input WHEN I am prompted for information about my application repository THEN a high-quality, professional is generated with the title of my project and sections entitled Description, Table of Contents, Installation, Usage, License, Contributing, Tests, and Questions WHEN I enter my project title THEN this is displayed as the title of the README WHEN I enter a description, installation instructions, usage information, contribution guidelines, and test instructions THEN this information is added to the sections of the README entitled Description, Installation, Usage, Contributing, and Tests WHEN I choose a license for my application from a list of options THEN a badge for that license is added near the top of the README and a notice is added to the section of the README entitled License that explains which license the application is covered under WHEN I enter my GitHub username THEN this is added to the section of the README entitled Questions, with a link to my GitHub profile WHEN I enter my email address THEN this is added to the section of the README entitled Questions, with instructions on how to reach me with additional questions WHEN I click on the links in the Table of Contents THEN I am taken to the corresponding section of the README
This week’s assignment was fairly similar to the week 9 mini project which we attempted. I revived the solved code and the inquirer section from the week’s lessons, which enabled me to initialise node, install inquirer applications and easily build the prompt questions and generate the README file. I had to do a lot of research and speak to my tutor to understand what the render license sections required me to do. Once I understood that I was able to build the rest of the application.
Here’s a video link which displays the functionality of the application:
I found the license badge and link sections the most difficult section to complete, because I didn’t fully understand what rendering the badge, link and section meant. After my tutor explained exactly what it was asking me do, i was able to complete the task.
I was able to complete the prompt questions and generate the README file a lot easier than I was expecting. This weeks lessons gave you a great insight on how to complete the assignment
University of Birmingham
Trilogy Educational Services